
Poster, poster on the wall, what’s the ‘truth’ behind it all?



— 14:45



  • FFRI

Odsjek za anglistiku Filozofskog fakulteta ima čast pozvati vas na interaktivnu radionicu za nastavnike koju će održati prof. emerita Denise Pilato, Eastern Michigan University, SAD, pod naslovom “Poster, poster on the wall, what’s the ‘truth’ behind it all?” Radionica će se održati u utorak 11. travnja 2023. u 13:15 u dvorani F-207.

Dr. sc. Denise Pilato istaknuta je amerikanistica s Eastern Michigan University na kojem je preko deset godina bila voditeljica diplomskog studija tehnologije. Istražuje povijest tehnologije, odnos tehnologije i kulture, medija i društva te povijest i doprinose američkih izumiteljica. Njen interdisciplinarni pristup nastavi i znanstvenom radu uključuje humanističke i društvene znanosti, kao i STEM.

“Poster, poster on the wall, what’s the ‘truth’ behind it all?”

This workshop equips teachers with an activity that will help students engage in effective critical thinking. A major goal of this workshop is to enable faculty to lead their students to become better thinkers about course content. Attendees will revise a central issue that has thematic application in their discipline to create a mock poster. Participation in this mock poster exercise will result in strategies and methods for engaging students in increased critical thinking with significant outcomes for deeper understanding.

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