
Gostujuće predavanje: prof. Hideki Ohira, „Emergence of affect and decision making based on predictive processing of interoception“



— 14:00



  • FFRI

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Prof. Hideki Ohira (Nagoya Sveučilište, Japan) održat će predavanje „Emergence of affect and decision making based on predictive processing of interoception“ 3. ožujka 2023. godine u 13,00 sati u prostoriji F-230.

Predavanje je na engleskom jeziku.

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The theory of predictive processing argues that the brain is not a passive organ that solely responds to input signals from sensory organs, but the brain actively constructs perception based on computations of differences between predictions and input signals (prediction error). Such a conception has been expanded to interoception, which is senses of the inner body and basis of affect and decision-making. Recently, empirical evidence for neural bases of the predictive processing of interoception, and association among interoception, affect, and decision-making has been accumulated. In this talk, I will introduce basic concepts of the interoceptive predictive processing, and provide our recent findings relating to the issue, and propose a computational model to explain the mechanisms of the interoceptive predictive processing.

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