
Predavanje „From the Lab to Daily Life: Characterizing Emotion Reactivity and Regulation Transdiagnostically using a Developmentally-Informed Multi-Method Contextualized Approach“ prof. dr. Lauren Bylsma



— 11:30



  • FFRI

Centar za istraživanje uma i ponašanja, Odsjek za psihologiju i Katedra za kognitivne znanosti pozivaju vas na gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. Lauren Bylsma sa sveučilišta u Pittsburghu, USA, pod naslovom „From the Lab to Daily Life: Characterizing Emotion Reactivity and Regulation Transdiagnostically using a Developmentally-Informed Multi-Method Contextualized Approach“, koje će se održati u ponedjeljak 12. lipnja u 10:30 sati u prostoriji F-230.

Dr. Bylsma is a Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. Her overall program of research utilizes a multi-method developmental affective science approach to examining affective functioning, including the integration of physiological, neural, behavioral, and daily life assessments to assess patterns of emotional reactivity and regulation transdiagnostically across the lifespan, with a focus on affective disorders. Most recently, her work has focused on characterizing lab-life and brain-behavior associations as well as leveraging the latest in ambulatory psychophysiological methods (passive sensing) to improve our understanding of contextual and individual difference factors that influence emotional processing across multiple response systems and contexts. Her talk will provide an overview of her recent and ongoing research in these areas, including conceptual, methodological, and clinical considerations.

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